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Bhs. Inggris Mudah : Kata Depan (Preposition)

In = di, dalam, pada
-          I am in my room now.
-          Jerry was in Bandung yesterday.   <daerah khusus>
-          He died in 1950.    <menunjukan tahun yang tidak lengkap>

At = di, pada, kepada
-          Tuty goes to school at 7 every morning. 
-          I hope to meet him at lunch time.
-          The thieves usually operate at midnight.       

On = pada, di (atas)
-          The books are on the table.
-          The blackboard is on the wall.
-          I was born on 13 December 1963.

From = dari
-          She is from Java.
-          I borrow the book from Tuty.
-          His house is along way from here.

About = tentang, sekitar, kira-kira.
-          He is talking about the lesson.
-          I come to your house at about 7.00
-          Tommy is playing about the garden.

With = dengan
-          I play tennis with my brother.
-          He went with me to the party.
-          I have no money with me now.

Note :
Perbedaan tapi sama maksudnya :
      Pertanyaan                                                   Harus dijawab         
      Where do you came from ?                          I came from Java.
      Where are you from ?                                  I am from java.

Tadi dari mana ?
      Where did you come from ?
      I came from my friend’s house.

Exercise :
Fill up : in, on, at, from, with, about, to

1.      He is talking about the problem.
2.      I am angry with you.                                   
3.      Where do you come from ?
4.      He is at home now.
5.      Tuty is writing the letter in ink, not with a pencil.  < khusus ink dipakai in bukan with.>
6.      The children are playing about the yard.
7.      I did not go on Sunday.
8.      She died in 1945.
9.      He lived in France from 1945 to 1972.
10.  Mother is cooking in the kitchen. <in= di dalam, jikalau at=disekitar>.

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